
Privacy Policy for Intervention Endoscopy Unit App.

Privacy Policy for Intervention Endoscopy Unit App Last Updated: 2023-11-14 Thank you for using Intervention Endoscopy Unit ("the App"). This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how your personal information is collected, used, and safeguarded when you use our App. By installing and using the App, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Information We Collect Personal Information The App does not collect personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, or other contact details. Advertising ID The App uses the advertising identifier provided by your device's operating system (Advertising ID on Android) for the purpose of serving personalized advertisements. This identifier is used to improve the relevance of ads and to measure their effectiveness. How We Use Information The information collected, including the advertising ID, is used solely for the following purposes: 1. Personalized Advertising: The advertising ID is used to prov

Privacy Policy for Islamic Prayer App

This Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information is collected, used, and disclosed when you use the Islamic Prayer App ("Doa") that provides users with Islamic prayers and related information. 1. Information Collection and Usage a. Personal Information: The App does not collect any personal information that can identify you. We do not request, access, or store any personal data, such as your name, email address, or contact details.  b. Usage Data: We may collect anonymized, non-personal usage data such as the features you use, the time spent on the App, and interactions within the App to improve user experience and app performance. 2. Permissions The App may request permissions to access certain features on your device to provide the intended functionality, such as accessing storage to save downloaded content or accessing the internet for fetching updated prayer times. However, we do not use these permissions to collect any personal data. 3. Data Security We priorit

Privacy Policy for Google Play console (Families Policy Requirements)

Last updated: February 21, 2023 Our Commitment to Privacy At renamebd, we are deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy pertains to our Google Play Store app(s) designed specifically for children under the age of 13, as outlined by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Google Play Families Policy. Information We Collect When you engage with our app, we may collect various types of information, including: 1 Information you provide: When creating an account or utilizing our app, we may gather personal data such as your name, email, phone number, password, and physical address. 2. Automatically collected information: Our app might automatically gather details about your device, such as its model, operating system version, and IP address. 3. Usage data: We may gather information about your interactions with the app, including content engagement and interactions with other users

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